侠僧探案传奇5,少林寺探案传奇之洛阳花会,Of Monks and Masters: Struggle in the Wulinclen
侠僧探案传奇6,少林寺探案传奇之醉玲珑,Of Monks and Masters: Woes at the Winery
侠僧探案传奇3,少林寺探案传奇之白马镖局,Of Monks and Masters: Castle of White Horse
侠僧探案传奇8,少林寺探案传奇之催命符,Of Monks and Masters: Spell of Death
侠僧探案传奇9,少林寺探案传奇之将军府,Of Monks and Masters: At the Generals Manor
侠僧探案传奇1,少林寺探案传奇之聚义钱庄,Of Monks and Masters: Murger at the Lending House
侠僧探案传奇4,少林寺探案传奇之大兴赌坊,Of Monks and Masters: Curse of the Gambling House
侠僧探案传奇2,少林寺探案传奇之王陵之谜,Of Monks and Masters: Mystery of the Tomb
侠僧探案传奇7,少林寺探案传奇之开封府,Of Monks and Masters: Trouble at the Central Office
侠僧探案传奇10,少林寺探案传奇之大夜叉,Of Monks and Masters: The Yecha Clan