Lhom Pud Parn Dao,The Wind Blows Through the Stars,当微风吹拂星辰,风拂星辰
禁忌挚友,Only Friends Series
Patiharn Ruk,Miracle of Love,奇迹之爱
淘气包,我的小淘气,我的调皮宝贝,我的调皮鬼,调皮蛋,淘气如你,我的淘气宝贝,小淘气,淘气男友,淘气派,淘气小宝贝,Naughty Babe Series,Naughty Babe,Due Hia Ko Ha Wa Son
Love In Translation,爱不懂语言
家中男士,管家看房,疯富帅男,看房的男人,看房管家,疯狂英俊的富人,纯情少爷俏管家,Crazy Handsome Rich,Ban Chai Mong Series,疯富帅老公,心锁疯爱
Bunga Saree
泰版福斯特医生,夫妻的世界,The Betrayal,Love Betrayal Game,The World of the Married,Game Rak Torrayod,Game Rak Torayot
吸引法则,引诱法则,情惑法度,万诱引力,吸引力定律,爱情吸引力,Laws of Attraction,Kot Haeng Rak Dueng Dut
The Jungle,The Jungle Series,Game Rak Nak La Bar Lap
Be Mine Super Star,成为我的明星,The Superstar and the Puppy on Set,Phi Phra-ek Kap Dek Ma Nai Klong,明星恋爱手册,超级明星和小狗在片场